Friday, June 12, 2009


A happy Moron

He Was 10 Yrs. old

"Fodder and whip and loads for the Ass
The yoke and harness and the
whip of his Master "

He was left back in 3rd grade. He was ten years old and was given a teacher that would ultimately break his “Spirit”. Mrs. Zinnanti wasted no time degrading him before his classmates. She believed that “Morons” like donkeys, needed to be spanked daily in order to get them to learn. She was always sending him to the Principle’s office for no apparent reason in the hopes that Mr. Lowell would take down his pants and paddle his butt good and hard.

His Paddle

 "Go ahead paddle the Dunce and spare not for his crying".

Bobby had his own wooden Paddle kept in the
Principles office.

When Mr. Lowell refused to Paddle him, Mrs. Zinnanti took matters in her own hands. On February 22, Bobby returned form recess and sat down at his desk as usual, Mrs. Zinnanti came over to him, grabbed a hold of his right arm hoisted him out of his seat and onto his feet. She pulled him to the front of the room, out the door, and into the hall way. She let go of his arm and took his right hand in her's and like a little baby, walked him down the stairs and over to one of the first grade classroom.

She had him wait outside as she entered closing the door behind her. She returned a few minutes later, took him by the hand and led him into the room. She paraded him in front of  the boys and girls so they could get a good look at their new classmate before leading him over to a desk and chair adjusted to his size in the middle row; she slid out the chair, made him sit down upon it, pushed him close to “his” desk, and promptly left the room leaving him in first grade.

Bobby was so humiliated he put his head on his desk and cried himself to sleep. He woke up a few minutes later and as he looked around at the children seated around him, Mrs. Folls came over to him, put a piece of lined paper on his desk and handed him a thick pencil and told him to write down the assignment on the Blackboard the other children were working on. Bobby did as he was instructed. When he had finished with his assignment, he got up out of his chair and walked to Mrs. Folls’ desk and handed her his paper and returned to his seat. As the afternoon progressed, his brother and the other children made him feel welcome as if he were a member of their class. Mrs. Folls gave the children an assignment to make objects out of construction paper pertaining to the lesson they were taught about the first President of the U.S.  Two other boys made Bobby a hatchet and a three corner colonial hat made out of construction paper and handed it to him. As he adapted to his situation, Bobby seemed to enjoy interacting with the 1st graders. At 2:45, Mrs. Folls came over to Bobby’s desk, handed him his corrected assignments and told him to return to his regular class. 

Bobby got out his chair, collected his hatched, hat and assignments and prepared to leave. Mrs. Folls wouldn’t let him bring the art work with him and had him leave them on his desk.

Bobby left first grade, walked up the stairs and into his regular class. He walked over to Mrs. Zinnanti and smiling handed her the assignments he had done in first grade he felt so proud of himself that he could do Kindergarten work assignments. As he went to sit at his desk; he noticed the top open and all his things piled neatly on the floor next to his chair. His heart sunk within him knowing that he was going to be in 1st grade for the rest of the school year. As he stood there he wet his pants.

prompting Mrs. Zinnanti to pin a note to his shirt for his mother requesting he wear diapers while in school.